
  1. Log on as root or a user account with full sudo access.
  2. Download the compressed archive and move it to /.
  3. Type tar -zxvf /<filename> and press <Enter>.
  4. Type /usr/local/sb/scripts/ and press <Enter>.
  5. Follow the prompts to perform the initial configuration.

The installation script takes care of everything else.

Mailbox Configuration

  1. Log on as root or a user account with full sudo access.
  2. Edit /home/init/procmail-template.rc and customize for your server.
  3. Type /usr/local/sb/scripts/ and press <Enter>.

The script creates a .procmailrc file in each user's HOME directory.

If finds an existing .procmailrc file in a user's home directory, it saves the new .procmailrc as You will need to merge the two files manually.

Advanced Configuration

To be written....


Getting Started


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